comment on population in the SMH

This comment was written in response to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, the premise of which is that Australia is in “deep strife” because our population has not grown during the pandemic, which will damage our economy.  

the comment:

The premise of this article is that we must have an endlessly growing population to support growth in economic activity.  Well, that’s probably true if we want endless economic growth, but it’s a false dichotomy, a dichotomy between economic growth and implied economic collapse into depression.  It’s a false dichotomy because there is another solution, which is to remove the need for and reliance on economic growth.  This is an absolute necessity for other reasons, including that economic activity consumes resources and damages our environment.  We are going to have to face a no-growth economy eventually; now would be a good time to do it before we do even more damage chasing endless economic growth.


The Sydney Morning Herald chose not to publish this comment.

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human population

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